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South Bend Market
District Study
The City of South Bend is launching a planning and environmental study to assess the street network and freeway ramps around the State Road 23/Eddy Street bridge over the St. Joseph River.
Funded by a federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant, the study will focus on the State Road 23/Eddy Street bridge, its ramps, and the streets near the South Bend Farmers Market, also know as the Market District. The study, initiated in 2024, will follow the federal Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) model for developing high level concepts to improve neighborhood connectivity in the area.
•Possible bridge widening at I-65 over Brownstown Road •One 1,400’ long Noise Barrier Wall south of SR 160 •Replacement of an Automatic Traffic Recorder north of SR 160 •Pavement Rehabilitation in areas where travel lanes are not added •Various culvert repairs within the limits of pavement reconstruction